Home1Yr Program

Fashion Design & Pattern Making (1-yr)

Our excellent 1 year intensive program “Fashion Design & Pattern Making” is tailored to students who want to explore the world of fashion, and learn real craftsmanship skills at the same time.

The students discover the bases of a profession, the world of fashion, and the process of Creation. They become familiar with basic womenswear in Fashion Design and Pattern Drafting. The students learn how to design garments within the structure of a collection, and to adapt them to the reality and the pace of the trade. They discover the various sectors within the Textile-Apparel industry, including street wear, sports wear and basic casual tailored and dedicate themselves to a personal project.

This program is divided equally between Design and Pattern Making two distinct skill sets known in France as Stylisme (Fashion Design) and Modelisme (Pattern Drafting). Stylisme involves the creative design aspect while Modelisme translates that vision into a constructed garment through draping, cutting and sewing. The combination of these disciplines is what gives ESMOD’s methodology its added value and gives its graduates their unparalleled expertise: technical and creative.

The year ends with an Exam to validate the year in all subjects and students present their personal Exam Project to a Jury of ESMOD Jakarta faculty. While in Fashion Design and Pattern Drafting, the students develop a Capsule collection to express their personal brand development and two looks are presented on personal models during a Jury day with professional Jury from the Fashion field.

After 1 year, the student will know what ties the fashion industry together. And where one’s place will be. The student can decide whether to continue at ESMOD Jakarta and enroll in the 2nd year program and deepen one’s exploration or with the newly acquired skill-set and certification, take on the world in one’s own fashion path.


  • Immersion into fashion universe
  • Basic pattern drafting technique (flat & molding cutting, sewing, computerized PM)
  • Fashion design basic technique (drawing – CAD)
  • Knowledge on basic fabrics (cotton, wool, silk, linen, polyester)
  • Research, observation & interpretation methods
  • Product development: skirt, shirt, dress, pants and casual jacket
  • Introduction to marketing, product, manufacturing cost
  • Verbal expression

What To Expect From This Course

  • You will know how to design garments within the structure of a collection
  • You will know how to adapt the concept of a collection into the real current market
  • You will have familiarised yourself with the womenswear industry specifically
  • You will know the sectors of the industry and developed a preference for a part where you can find your passion
  • You will have dedicated yourself to your personal project in one of the fashion sectors
  • You will have experienced a year of excellent discovery

Why Choose ESMOD Jakarta

  • Be able to enroll in the 2nd year of one of the 3 year programs more quickly
  • Explore the fashion industry intensely in a relative short amount of time
  • Get to know the basics of fashion to be able to apply to future business
  • To find their passion

What will your study look like?

Odd Semester

  • Intro Fashion Design
  • Textile 1
  • Basic Pattern
  • Figure Drawing
  • Technical Sewing
  • Computer Aided Design 1 (Photoshop/Illustrator)
  • History of Fashion 1
  • Elective Language French or English

Even Semester

  • Fashion Design
  • Textile 2
  • Advance Pattern
  • Fashion Drawing
  • Intro of Communication
  • Applied Computer (Gerber System)
  • Market & Consumer Analysis
  • History of Fashion 2
  • Capsule Collection Coaching

Capsule Collections

You will learn how to design and construct a capsule collection of clothing in the fashion industry, specializing in a specific market of women’s ready-to-wear. The realization is made to measure with live models


  • Fashion Sewing
  • Technique
  • Textile Technology & Creation
  • Fashion Marketing & Consumer Analysis
  • History of Fashion & Fashion Culture Phenomenon
  • History of Fashion & Fashion Culture Phenomenon
  • Figure, Fashion Drawing & Illustration
  • English or French for Fashion
  • Computer Aided Design for Fashion Design
  • Applied Computer for Creation (Gerber Technology)
  • Brand & Image Management
  • Introduction to Communication
  • Creative Module Research
  • Extracurricular Activities


Children’s Wear & Juniors, Lingerie & Body wear, Urban & Tailor Men’s Wear, Emerging Designers (Women’s Ready-to-wear), Women Nouvelle Couture/Lux

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